3 Tips For Protecting Your Gum Health

Do you know what it takes to protect your gum health? The part that you will like is that it’s actually very easy to keep your gum tissue healthy. What you might not love hearing is that if you’re not consistent with your care, gum problems can occur quickly. Fortunately, as long as you know how to practice care and you dedicate yourself to it, you’ll be able to maintain a healthy smile without a single bump in the road.


Dental Care Holiday Edition: Your Healthy Smile Recipe

Here we are again, facing the quick rush of holiday excitement and an impending new year. Are you ready for 2017 yet or are you doing your best to savor the moment and stretch 2016 out for as long as you possibly can? No matter your approach to enjoying wintertime and its many memory-making moments, we encourage all patients to approach dental care with one general set of guidelines. Add one part dedication, one part consistency, and just a dash of enthusiasm and mix well. What does that give you? A recipe for a very healthy smile.


Veneers: What They Do (And Don’t Do)

When you spend time daydreaming about porcelain veneers, do you do so because you want a prettier smile and they seem like the right decision? Do you know much about this cosmetic treatment … or are you just making assumptions about the details as you go? To make sure you know all about what a veneer is (and what it isn’t), we are happy to fill you in. Then, of course, when you’re ready for your brilliantly transformed smile, come on in for a cosmetic consultation!


Winter Wildlife Festival

Have you ever found yourself wondering about where certain animals go when the temperatures plummet and which ones hang around? Perhaps you can’t help wondering about the wildlife you see, making up little stories about them and realizing there’s an entire world out there that’s going on every single day. If so, take part in this upcoming community event that is sure to shed some light on these details!


Sensitivity: What To Do?

Do you find that when your teeth are feeling sensitive to just about everything, you don’t know what to do? First, remember that dealing with tooth sensitivity is nothing new, it’s your body letting you know that your smile needs a little help, and there’s always a way to make improvements. As for what you should do immediately and in the long-run, addressing this type of irritation is simple. Follow our suggestions and your smile will feel wonderful again in no time.


Combatting Coffee Stains: What To Do

coffee2handsAre you trying to figure out the somewhat confusing world of being a coffee drinker? Perhaps you’ve managed to avoid stains thus far but you’re getting a bit worried. Maybe your teeth are in okay shape (or even very stained) and you want help but don’t know where to begin. Take heart! We are here to help with your oral health and with the beautification of your smile.


Do You Know Your Dental Implant Terms?

definitionWhen it comes to learning about any new aspect of dental care, brand new vocabulary tends to come along with it. As for learning about dental implants, you have likely already noticed that there seems to be a new, foreign term for just about everything, which can leave you feeling a little confused from the get-go. To ensure you enjoy a streamlined process as you learn about implants and decide whether they’re right for you, we recommend becoming familiar with the basics as soon as you can. Let’s see how you’re doing with the essential terms (there are only a few of them) with a brief quiz.


Dental Fillings: The General Steps

steps123If you’re new to the world of dental fillings, you might already understand that they address tooth decay (but your education might end there). We know that one of the best ways to feel good about coming in for restorative care is to feel knowledgeable about your upcoming treatment. As a result, we like to provide patients with an easy to understand, step-by-step explanation of what a filling entails. For all other questions, please bring up whatever is on your mind at the beginning of your next visit.


Oral Health: Ways To Remove Even More Bacteria

womanthinkinglonghairDid you know that in addition to your usual daily brushing (twice) and flossing (once), there are some other preventive measures you can take to remove even more bacteria from your smile? The good news is that if you are brushing and flossing as suggested, you’re doing a wonderful job and your smile is pretty safe. However, for the overachievers out there who like to remain filled in on all possible modes of oral health protection, we’ve got some solid advice.
