2 Embarrassing Questions You Should Ask

2brightWhen you decide a question is embarrassing to ask us during your dental checkup, it’s probably because you think the answer is obvious. Or, perhaps you’re doing something with your dental hygiene that you think might not be a very good idea. The most important thing to remember is that your oral health is the priority. If we can’t help you feel confident about what you’re doing, we can’t help you protect your smile. Do yourself a favor and consider some questions we frequently receive that you just might think are a little embarrassing (and remember to ask us anything you wish during your next visit).


When Contouring Is Only Half The Battle

womanlaughingcloseupSo, your cosmetic care for your smile has been a long time coming and you are excited to have discovered the benefits of dental contouring. There are some issues with your teeth that we can easily rectify with a gentle smoothing of tissue, which means getting your teeth into a more appropriate physical shape is starting to seem like a reality. However, you have more than one goal for your smile and, as a result, you’re wondering what the rest of your care plan is going to look like. Let us explain some ways this might work, depending on your needs, so you better understand contouring.


Gum Tissue Basics

gumshealthyDo you know much about your gum tissue? Is this a part of your smile that you are aware exists but it’s not something you think much about? The good news is that your gums are very easy to care for, so if they’ve gone under the radar, it could be because you’ve simply been providing yourself good care. However, it’s always beneficial to know more about your own anatomy, so let’s get started with some basics.


Fireworks Extravaganza

fireworksAre there few things that make you feel as happy as the magic that comes with a fireworks show? If so, you are in luck! This weekend will wrap up the Neptune Festival, which will include a grand finale full of fireworks. Step outside to make sure you see the display in all its glory!


Flossing: 2 Reasons Not To Listen To Your Friends

2redUnless your friends are telling you exceptional things about the benefits of flossing, it’s probably a good idea that you steer clear of them as your advice-givers. Instead, we highly recommend you come in and ask us your questions when you’re in doubt or require some clarification. As it turns out, dental hygiene (both brushing and flossing) is absolutely an integral component of cleaning your smile at home. Curious why some of your friends are turning their noses up at flossing (and why you shouldn’t rely on them)? Let’s cover some new ground.


Quiz: Do You Need To Simplify Your Home Care?

quizcardslightsDo you think you’ve got yourself set up quite nicely in your bathroom for your home care of your smile? If you answered yes but you’re feeling like it’s an awful lot of trouble to keep everything organized and ready, it’s possible that it’s time to simplify. The wonderful news is that the products you use and your approach should be very basic because that’s all it takes to maintain a healthy smile. Ready to find out if you’re right on target or if you need to step back and reassess? Try our quiz!


Invisalign Treatment: How Can I Protect It?

invisalignredlipsWhen you begin using Invisalign treatment for a straight smile, you will likely feel a lot of things (most often complete joy at the thought of your future smile). What you might not consider, however, is the fact that as easy as it is to successfully make it through treatment, it is just as easy to derail your treatment by overlooking some common, simple dangers. To make sure you’re doing your best to optimize treatment and avoid obstacles, we suggest you take our advice and keep it in mind on a daily basis.


Bruxism Damage: What Can Happen?

bruxismblondeYou might think to yourself that our suggestion for you to receive bruxism treatment is probably a bit too much. A lot of people clench their teeth when they are upset, after all! Some people grind here and there out of habit. Unfortunately, these types of occasional acts are far different from the chronic habit you’ve been experiencing (and yes, we know you aren’t even aware you’re doing it). The great news is that we can help you control the issue, so you don’t end up suffering from one of the many common types of damage associated with bruxism. Consider some of those side effects for a clear understanding.


3 Times Dental Hygiene Isn’t Enough  

3bluewallYou might think to yourself that you’re doing a pretty great job with your dental hygiene. You may even give yourself a pat on the back every now and then because you have made such strides in keeping your brushing and flossing right on track. While these efforts of yours are certainly necessary and definitely worthwhile, you might be overlooking one thing: They’re not enough. Not sure why? Consider some reasons you will need to go above and beyond your care at home to keep your smile in its best condition.
