Answering Your “What To Do When” Questions

There are some times in your life when you need dental care and you know it and you don’t have a single feeling of hesitation about what to do. Then, there are those moments when you find yourself lost in a grey area, uncertain about whether you should call us up for a dental checkup or just sit tight and hope for the best. While giving you general guidance is easy to do we know that patients often feel better about how to respond to oral health concerns when they have particular examples to rely on. Think through some very common ones and you’ll begin to see: The answer is nearly always to get in contact with us!


Think Ahead: Early Planning For Your Holiday Smile

Yes, we know. You might think it’s absolutely bonkers that we are talking about the holidays when the summer is just finishing winding up! We understand. We also know that it’s very easy to forget that some aspects of dental care take a bit longer than others. In fact, it’s so easy to forget about this that we see lots of unhappy faces around holiday time when patients come into our Virginia Beach, VA practice with grand ideas for their wintertime smiles, only to realize they should have planned months in advance. Don’t experience unnecessary smile care disappointment this year! Instead, think ahead!


Steps To Smile Protection And Early Detection: Who Sees It?

You hear over and over that early detection is so important for your oral health. You hear that when our team has the option to find the very start of a problem (for anything from decay to oral cancer), it’s so beneficial to you because it means very little damage has had time to occur and we can offer treatment. However, you wonder, how are you supposed to actually put yourself in a situation in which this detection is possible? If there are problems that occur without obvious symptoms, how can you know to come in to see us at our Virginia Beach, VA practice? We’ve got the simple answers you need (and they work every time).


Ready For Dental Bonding?: How To Find Out

Sure, you may be “ready” for dental bonding in that you feel very excited about the idea and can’t wait for your smile to look better (and you figure bonding is your best solution). However, our Virginia Beach, VA team reminds you that being prepared can mean more than just feeling like it’s time! Your smile and oral health have to be healthy, too. Of course, it’s also important that bonding really is the best option for your smile. How to figure all of this out, you wonder? As you may have already been guessing, the answer is easy: Talk with us! However, we’re happy to help you out right now with some initial details.


3 Signs Your Toothache Is Serious

There’s a bit of tooth irritation … and then there’s a serious toothache. Did you know that when you’re dealing with any level of discomfort, it’s always a very good idea to take the time to see us? Even when you’re noticing a little twinge or pain, it can actually point to serious underlying causes that you will want fixed sooner than later. So, if you’ve been trying to just ignore your pain and play it off, rationalizing it away, you might be doing your oral health quite a disservice. Particularly when pain is severe, it’s very important that you see us. So, how to know if your issue has become serious? Let our Virginia Beach, VA team share some possibilities.


Smile Tips: What To Do About That Delicious, Sugary Cereal!

Oh, yes! Cereal that’s dusted with sugar is a true delight! If it happens to be so delightful to your taste buds that it’s a mainstay in your daily diet, well … you might not be so sure what to think about it. Is this an okay habit for your oral health? Could you, perhaps, do something to decrease the risk of tooth decay that this presents to your smile, you wonder? Of course, our Virginia Beach, VA team likes to help you enjoy your life by offering realistic advice! Consider some smile tips that can allow you to have your sugary cereal and enjoy it, too!


Skinny Teeth, Spaces, Gaps Q&A: What Should I Do?

Depending on how you look at your smile, if you have any amount of little open areas between two neighboring teeth, you may say that you have gaps. You may call them spaces. You might think your teeth look very skinny. Whatever the case, the one thing you might not have the words or know-how for may be what to do about this issue. Should you treat the spaces with cosmetic dental care? Should you just ignore them? While this may present a bit of confusion at the start, a quick visit with our Virginia Beach, VA practice will set things right!


Your Morning Beverage: Let’s Talk Milk, Juice, And Coffee

What do you like with your breakfast? Have you always gotten up, prepared your breakfast, and then sat down and poured yourself a tall glass of milk? Perhaps no morning is complete until you’ve had a nice cup of orange juice. Or, if you’re like lots and lots of people, coffee is an absolute to perk you up at home, on your way to the office, at work, while you run errands, etc. So, what should you be thinking about these drinks as they apply to your oral health, you wonder? Is your assumption that coffee is the most acidic accurate or are you not really right? Is milk as good for your teeth as you think it is? Let our Virginia Beach, VA practice offer you some helpful info you’re missing, so you can rest easy as you sip away.


Very Easy Daily Goals: Dental Care Edition

Everyone has so much to remember to do everyday that compiling lists can become overwhelming. To help you keep your dental care consistent and to help keep you from feeling like it’s too much to handle, we encourage stripping the details down to a streamlined and easy-to-accomplish system of daily goals. When you can meet the standards you set for yourself every day (which is quite easy to do), you know that you’ve got a solid and fantastic foundation that will allow you to keep your smile safe. Our Virginia Beach, VA practice can make this a reality for you!


3 Food Types To Watch Out For!

As you may have already begun to realize, there are lots of things to watch out for when you’re out in the world, living your life, and making choices for meals and snacks! Some are extremely obvious. Some are a bit more confusing. To help, our Virginia Beach, VA team discusses those top things you should absolutely watch out for to ensure you’re not heading down a direct highway toward tooth decay, damaged teeth, and difficulty keeping teeth in healthy condition. Remember, by making simple choices with food, you can often give yourself a powerful dose of oral health protection!
